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Lauren AgriSystems

Pulsation Enhancers

Pulsation Enhancers

Regular price $5.71 USD
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Designed to adjust the C-phase of the pulsator, our enhancers slow down the C-phase, allowing the liner to close slower and softer, eliminating the slapping effect while increasing cow comfort.

The CR-30-45-60 pulsation enhancers are designed with milking system efficiency and cow teat comfort in mind. 

Understanding C-Phase Pulsation and Milking Performance

Lauren AgriSystems has conducted extensive research on the role of the C-Phase in milking performance, a crucial factor in dairy efficiency and cow comfort. The C-Phase, or liner closing phase, plays an essential role in determining milking speed and effectiveness.

Our study highlights:

  • The impact of different C-Phase durations on milking speed and yield.
  • Key findings on the optimum C-Phase settings for enhancing milk flow while maintaining cow comfort.
  • Practical recommendations for dairy operations looking to maximize milking efficiency.

Download the Full Report: [Link to PDF]

This downloadable document provides a detailed analysis, including data on milking times, flow rates, and liner wall movement. By understanding the science behind C-Phase adjustments, dairy operators can make informed choices to boost productivity and animal welfare.

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